IdN v15n3: The Exhibition Issue


No Business like Show Business
What was it about the last exhibition you went to that made it such a memorable visit? The works on show — or the whole experience? A growing number of designers these days are in designing exhibitions everything from interior to exterior, print materials to product, identity to fonts… etc. We talk to eight of them, all experts in the field.

SKU: v15n3 Category:


Bleed | Burneverything | Helmo | Project Projects | Studio Round | Serial Cut™ | Small |

Playback: Still moving along?
Feature: No Business like Show Business
Feature Extra: Forging artistic links with the food chain
Creative Countries: Crossing the line
Studio: Taking the Red Bull by the horns
Videogame: Japanese makers riding new wave
Sketch: Round the world in 220,000 pages
Top Talent: Competitions are key
Pick Of The Month

125 pages
6 varying paper stocks
4C process, spot UV
74 minutes DVD Video included

Additional information

Weight490 g

Chinese, English