IdN v29n2: Infographic & Data Visualisation


Complexity Clarified
Infographic (or more specifically data visualisation for this issue) is all about turning extremely complicated data into simple and easy reading graphics. It is most often found in editorial designs, when interconnecting ideas may not be so easy to understand, need clarifying, or a certain aspect of the story or data that needed emphasising.

But more so in this day and age — particularly for online media — infographics are also used to transform a dry message or a not-so-exciting idea into something more visually striking, leaving a longer lasting impression for the the casual viewer.

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Infographic: Complexity Clarified
We had invited a few designers who specialises in making infographics and data visualisations, all sharing the common passion to making the complicated simple. This of course, is not a simple process. As many of them agreed, they needed to fully understand and digest all information at hand (after-all, you cannot design something you do not understand), before they can even begin to decide how to categorised, prioritised and visualised the data set, in order to present a distinct but also effective infographic.

When asked all the participants which graphic areas they hope could see more infographics, surprisingly they all shared similar vision. Many hope could they could see more of it on motion graphics or on interactive mediums (like iPads, exhibition and information panels, etc), since most of them are being applied on a page or in a 2 dimensional format.

Adam Sharratt | Adrian Bauer | Agency S/R | Alessia Musìo | Camila A. Mayorga A. | Craig Taylor (Mapzilla) | Giorgio Guidotti | Ilaria Mastro | Infographics Lab 203 | Jamie Kettle | Kisub Moon | Kürşat Ünsal | Mihajlo Jakovljev | Natalia Sayuri Lara | Nergis Aşar | Podpunkt Studio | Romualdo Faura | Set Reset | Shangning Wang & Jiayan He | Till noon | united by | Victoria da Costa

160p + 8p cover
160mm (w) x 230mm (h)
4 varying paper stocks
4C process + matt lamination
ISSN (English Edition): 1029 4805
ISSN (Chinese Edition): 1029 4813

Additional information

Weight410 g

Chinese, English

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