IdN v29n1: Mixed Media Issue


Collages & Montages
The word collage can be traced back to 200BC, deriving from the French word “coller”, meaning to glue or to stick together. Unfortunately, when this technique was first introduced to the world, it didn’t get the attention it deserved until the 10th century in Japan when calligraphers began to apply glued paper, using texts on surfaces, when writing their poems.

The work itself involves various media and materials ranging from photography, paper art, wood work and metal to any form of digital art. It is truly a wonder-land, the longer you look at it the more new elements or design genes you will discover.

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Patching Things Up
Collage consists of pasting on a single surface various materials not normally associated with one another, e.g. newspaper clippings, parts of photographs, theatre tickets or fragments of an envelope. Therefore, words such as montage and mixed-media are constantly used in tandem with collage.

But be careful — behind all these positive vibes may lurk some hidden traps. As one of our contributors, David Sauder, put it “the most difficult thing is that the creative process can easily become chaotic, since it is difficult to formulate the point when additional layers and elements are no longer allowed to be add to the composition.”

However, most of our contributors still find collage an exercise in improvisation, experimentation and a wide range of visual solutions. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to work as an illustrator or an artist without necessarily having the requisite drawing skills.

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