IdN v26n4: Game Art Graphics


Let the Games Begin!
You may imagine that it would take a veritable army of artists, programmers and designers in order to make a game “happen”. That’s not entirely true, some of the contributors have worked with just a few other people. But certain roles are indispensable.

In this issue, we have gathered together a roll-call of more than 30 masterminds who make the visuals for these games as stunning as they can be to capture your mind and imagination. They have kindly shared their thoughts about game art design, and attempted to foresee what the “next big thing” might be.

SKU: v26n4 Category:


Concept, Asset & Design
For anyone born after World War II, the year 2020 has probably been one of the worst of their lives. Self-isolation, social distancing and working from home have become the new normal. Suddenly, we began to have so much free time to kill, all kinds of games — card games, board games, video games, mobile games — became very precious commodities.

We can trace our first encounter with games back to infancy. When you come to think about it, most of our early learning comes through games. We learned about shapes, words, numbers, and social behaviours. Of course, games are not designed solely for educational purposes; first and foremost, they should be entertaining.

Alexander Dudar | Andrew Nedzvedsky | Andrey Vasilyev | Antibody | Arvydas Brazdeikis | Beffio Studio | Binh Vu | Claire Vimont | David Heutmaker | Davison Carvalho | Diana Molyte & Dovile Kacerauskaite | Emrah Özbay | Entei Ryu | Eric Bellefeuille | Estudio Pum | Fernando Báez | Fernando Forero | Florian Baumann | GamePack | Gengoya/Ferdi Trihadi | Greg Danton/Five Jupiter Studios | Hibird Books | Inga Gromova | Inkration Studio | Jeff Christy | Marcin Soboń | Marya Egorova | Moloko Creative Agency | Murat Kalkavan | Nikita Bulatov | Patrick Bendermacher | Patrik Rosander Design | Ramiro Galan/Pixelkings | RetroStyle Games | Robin Bouwmeester | Shoaib Khan/Maxafter

160p + 8p cover
160mm (w) x 230mm (h)
4 varying paper stocks
4C process + matt lamination
ISSN (English Edition): 1029 4805
ISSN (Chinese Edition): 1029 4813

Additional information

Weight410 g

Chinese, English

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