IdN v17n5: Wayfinding+Signage


The Wayfinders
Most graphic-design courses these days involve at least one way-finding/signage assignment, but relatively few designers choose to go into the discipline full-time. In this enlightening feature, we have asked some 14 path-finders studios and individuals, first-timers and old hands to tell us what it is about pointing people in the right direction that so appeals to them. And to explain the challenges and pitfalls as well as the satisfactions involved.

SKU: v17n5 Category:


Showing us the way forward
Most graphic-design courses these days involve at least one way-finding/signage assignment, but relatively few designers choose to go into the discipline full-time. Those that do find the challenge of working within very clearly defined parameters as stimulating as the instant feedback they receive from seeing how the public reacts to their directional creativity. And whether it is in architectural or graphic way-finding, a director’s work is likely to be around for a lot longer than most other kinds of commissions. In this enlightening feature, we have asked some 14 path-finders studios and individuals, first-timers and old hands to tell us what it is about pointing people in the right direction that so appeals to them. And to explain the challenges and pitfalls as well as the satisfactions involved. The interview answers are set amid examples of the work in question. We think you will enjoy the journey.

Autobahn | Collider | Hiromura Design Office | Lamosca | Magnus Andersen | Marque | Michelle Brook | Mike and Maaike | Nicolas Vrinaud | NOSIGNER | P-06 Atelier | Studio Hinrichs | TERADADESIGN | Triboro

Type in Motion: The moving finger writes and, having writ, moves on
The Way Finders: Showing us the way forward
Japan: Sons (and daughters) of the rising sun
Playback: Technical necessity is the mother of artistic invention
Pick of the Month

102 pages
6 varying paper stocks
4C process, spot UV
106 minutes DVD Video included

Additional information

Weight480 g

Chinese, English