IdN v25n6: Music Graphics Issue


Music Still Rocking the Design World
The power of music lies in its ability to unite people from different backgrounds and with different educational levels, even those speaking different languages. Although the listener may not understand a word of the song they listen to, they can still be moved by it. Their emotions can be triggered, leading some to go so far as to learn the language it is performed in just so that they can better comprehend what it is trying to say.

For all its immediacy of impact and universality of appeal, however, music can be enhanced visually by the interpretation of a good designer. Can anyone deny, for instance, that their enjoyment of The Beatles’ album Sgt. Pepper’s LonelyHearts Club Band was heightened by its iconic cover? The interpretation by Peter Blake and Jann Haworth of the ground-breaking content must have subtly influenced all who bought it.

SKU: v25n6 Category:


Music Graphics Issue
The physical form in which we consume music has changed radically over the years. From long-playing vinyl that gave cover artists plenty of scope through the ’fifties to the ’eighties to the reduced space available on cassette-tape covers through to the only slightly more room afforded by the CD, introduced in 1982, designers have been increasingly squeezed. Now they are being squeezed out completely with the advent of the smartphone and other electronic platforms.

Nonetheless, and especially with the return to popularity of the traditional LP, there is still a market for designers to use their imaginations on cover designs. How to approach them? What message are the musicians attempting to purvey? How to interpret it? Talking to the creators can be extremely useful, but above all a lot of listening is essential. From our participants’ responses, it transpires that constant playing and re-playing is needed before the ideal image or ideas for art direction pops into their heads.

2TIGERS Design Studio | Afonso de Lima | Alessandro Pautasso | Andrea Bianchi | Anna Katrin Karlsson | Attico36 | Basora | BEND | Beppe Conti | Brownfox Studio | Carlos Bauer | Carosello Lab | Chen Jun Xian | creanet | Davy Evans | Diego Benítez | Dmitry Ligay | Fanakalo | Fanny Papay | Gunter Piekarski | Hugo Jourdan | Ian Frederick | Jimmy Turrell | JMW Studio | JoeFangStudio | Jonathan Ogden | Jorge Gutiérrez | Joseph Veazey | Julius Manalo | Karolina Pietrzyk | Ke To | Kom Tillbaka | Lars Högström | Lauryna Narkeviciute | Luke Brown | MamboMambo | Marco D’Aleo | Max Lippolis | Michael Cina | mililitros | Ofelia Ojeda | Onion Design Associates | Orange Chan Design | Passport | Pavel Fuksa | Pragun Agarwal | Predrag Markovic | Quim Marin | Rhuan Santos | Richard Robinson | Rocío Fernández Fuks | Secret Creative Org. | Simon Lemmerer & Stefan Leitner | SMAY Design | studio another day | Studio Jack Crossing | Thomas Conroix | Trevor Jackson | Thomas Neulinger | Tyler Stout | Vanessa Lenka Katyi-Narr | Virág Szörényi

160p + 8p cover
160mm (w) x 230mm (h)
4 varying paper stocks
4C process + matt lamination
ISSN (English Edition): 1029 4805
ISSN (Chinese Edition): 1029 4813

Additional information

Weight410 g

Chinese, English

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